A Chilling Thriller. The walking nightmare that frightened the world! A monster that science created – but could not destroy! Join us as we share our opinions on the Universal Pictures thriller, 1931’s Frankenstein. We wear our badge of courage proudly.
The story of Frankenstein is one of my all time favorites. It’s a solid piece of horror sci-fi that draws you in and causes you to sympathize with all of the characters, including the monster. This story is so close to my heart that I have a tattoo of the monster and his bride from the Universal franchise! All that to say the film is a little rough. As far as time goes, I personally don’t believe that it has aged well. You see it’s wrinkled and sagging skin through its use of LONG static shots and drawn out dialog. At the same time, there are some mind blowing shots and visual effects that make you understand why this movie is so iconic and they make me wish that I was there for the first time this movie was unveiled. To any fan of the movie or the iconic monster, I will wholeheartedly recommend the book. The movie is good but be prepared for a super slow-burn.
-Josh T. Romero
I felt like I was watching a play more than a movie, probably because of when it was filmed. Having barely watched this movie for the first time I really enjoyed it, because it put a lot of things from the “Young Frankenstein” movie into perspective for me. The movie isn’t scary by today standards but I’m sure it was scary at the time it was made, which gives me more appreciation for the movie. I watched this movie and Texas Chainsaw back to back and I realized both movies had a common theme, monsters are made. That fact that makes movies like this even more scary and believable to me.
The evolution of Dr. Frankenstein and his monster throughout the film has come a long way from its very simple beginning. And I mean that negatively. This film is how it should have been done all along. Don’t make the monster an anti-hero. Don’t use him as a plot point in Van Helsing. Keep the story about our human nature and those basic needs of care and identity. Karloff portrays the simplest emotions as if he is feeling each one for the first time, a performance that allows the viewer to truly connect. If you’re going to do Frankenstein I personally believe that it’s most effective when done at its most basic form. This film was made almost 100 years ago and has proven a lasting fear in humans: the fear of the unknown.
-Christopher Patterson